IB Learner profile of being Thinkers, Communicators and Reflective individuals who think with an open mind menifested in the Yesmindz’ event Talk! Talk! Creative Creation Competition conducted in the form of an Exhibition, held on January 28th, 2023. The aim was to make students exhibit their creation that involved Passion+ Language + Technology (PLT), while talking (speaking skills) about their creation, woven around the theme of PLT.
Among such creative display of works, it was indeed a challenge to select the best two.
Although all the works were equally appreciative, the best two among them are selected to be first and second.
ROHIT R, from Chennai, India is declared First.
Krishna Nigam from Singapore declared second in the competition.
Also, noteworthy is the mention of mixed blend of choices of judges who are both IBDP experienced educators and fresh techies working globally, who justified their Indvidual task with dexterity and passion in their field of expertise.
Thanks to all the other backstage support team members for their dedicated support without whom it would have not been possible to have smooth journey for Yesmindz to conduct a dedicated online event where parents, students and judges were the participants. They coordinated it effectively.
Special shout out to the parents who spent their precious time for the event making it successful and encouraging the young budding minds to touch the sky of imagination.
Thank you one and all!