To what extent perspectives affect construction of knowledge?

Theory of Knowledge - TOK

Reasoning + Belief + Experience = Knowledge

Reasoning + Beliefs + Experiences = KnowledgeThis forms individual perspectives.

Let us consider an example:

In a High School English lesson, the following art form has been given to interpret among the similar age group pupils, and the outcome of the interpretations clearly justifies the equation of knowledge presented above.


Image Courtesy-Sarmistha Roy

Artist Interpretation: The journey of life not lived.

The interpretations of the pupil:

Student 1: The picture is a reflection of one single day that is divided into morning, night and evening. A utopia created because of the colours.

Student 2: It shows the transformation of landscape from city to the farmlands where nature is untouched by modernity.

Student 3: The representation of energy in colours that exist in our daily life.

Student 4: The same earth in its various image showing the change it undergoes when there is human intervention and not.

Student 5: It gives a sense of continuity through natural process of movement.

The above abstract art has provided space to every individual student to showcase their own understanding of knowledge.

Observation: It has been observed that although every interpretation catches up with the base idea of nature, however, the reasoning is mostly based on their personal experiences and beliefs that is formed through their experiences. Hence, establishing the equation of knowledge.

Reasoning: The 21st century Pupils’ growing concerns are environment, personal wellbeing and sustainability. Hence, the interpretations of the students are observed to be woven around these concerns, establishing the equation of beliefs, experiences and reasoning forming knowledge construct among students. The growing connectivity shown to the UN Sustainable development goals of 2022 

Why discuss the equation of knowledge? How is it used in our English Language skill development strategically?

Strategies used to develop knowledge and skills of Yesmindz’ ians.

We allow to –

  • Question the purpose of knowledge,
  • Understand how Knowledge is formed, and
  • How knowledge is applicable in the real-world context.  

Theory of Knowledge (TOK) CLASSES HELP to promote creativity in education and its literal applicability.




This article is written by Ms. Pratima Roy, Founder and Chief Educator at Yesmindz Academy.